Tuesday 21 February 2012

Jeremy Deller - Joy of People

I went to the Jeremy Deller private view at the Hayward last night and was impressed by this exhibition - a retrospective of his work over the last 20 years - a real inspiration for budding artists everywhere - he can't draw or paint but these limitations seem to allow his to be even more creative, provocative and  humorous.
A couple of highlights were his recreation of his 1980's bedroom - raking around in his wardrobe and drawers was very immersive as a piece of art, the film about obsessive Depeche Mode fans around the world and his collection of art proposals that hadn't been pursued or accepted ie A David Kelly mannequin on the fourth plinth of Trafalgar Square and  a life drawing class with an anonymous Iggy Pop as the model.

Enjoyed a steaming mug of tea in Valerie's - a copy of a market snack bar from Bury market.

These barbecue holes in the lawn reminded be of one of my son's finest teenage moments.

Acid Brass - a map showing the link between brass band music and acid house music - unlikely that you would find social, political and musical connections but he had.

The war on terror demonstrated between the ever increasingly aggressive no parking your bike signs that you see around London these days.

Back to the snack bar and the banners he used in the procession for the Manchester International festival - you could watch a video of the procession which featured a Hindu bagpipe band and the cafe on the back of a lorry, amongst other strange groups.

Car bomb remains from Baghdad.

I love melancholy with volunteer book reader who must, it seems, not move ...

Grayson Perry queueing for a cup of tea ...

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